Informations for RIG. Prentvæn útgáfa Senda í tölvupóst
Fimmtudagur, 15. janúar 2009 10:09

Thursday the 15 th of january:  The pool will be ready at 14.00 hours today. Training possibillity is between 18.30 and 20.30 -  training for opening ceremonie from 20.30 to 22.00.

Friday the 16 th og january:  Training in the indoor and outdoor pool from 08.00 to 12.00 for all teams. Technical meeting for all teams is on second floor in the pool and handout of all informations from 14.30 to 15.30. Warm up starts  15.00 to 16.15, physician case meet starts at 16.30. Meeting for judges starts at 15.50. Opening ceremonie is in the pool from ca 19.15 or when the meet ends and are open for all. Closing ceremonie are also open for all and are on Sunday the 18 th at the Handball hall from 20.00 tio 23.00

Other informations Gústaf (00 354 ) 893 7933 and for payments Guðrún at ( 00 354 )  820 3156. All foreign guests, cialis coaches - team leaders - parents  are invited to reception in the OR - building at Bæjarháls 1 Saturday january 17th at hours 19 - 21, search einnig eru öllum formönnum - þjálfurum - liðstjórum og öðrum aðstoðarmönnum sundfélaga sem þátt taka í mótinu boðið. Invitation cards are at the poll, please contact the meet director ( Gústaf Adólf Hjaltason and Vilborg Benediktsdóttir ). Busses are leaving at 18.30 from the pool and from Hotel Baron if wanted.Laughing


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