Lokahóf. Closing ceremony,. Prentvæn útgáfa Senda í tölvupóst
Þriðjudagur, 12. janúar 2010 21:56

Þeir sundmenn sem áhuga hafa á því að borða fyrir lokahófið á Broadway sendi skráningu á Þetta tölvupóstfang er varið gegn ruslpóstsþjörkum, Þú verður að hafa JavaScript virkt til að sjá það. eða á æfingu annað kvöld. Kínerskt hlaðborð verð 3.000.-. Foreldrar velkomnir.

The Reykjavík International Games closing ceremony will be held on Sunday, advice January 17th, purchase at Broadway one of the Nordic countries biggest dining and dancehalls.

The ceremony will start with a Buffet Dinner at 19:00 where the menu will be as follows:
- Wagamas Buffet
- Ice cream with fruits, malady sweet cookies and sauce

Following dinner, prices will be handed out by City of Reykjavík officials and Iceland government officials.

The entertainment of the night will be in the hands of Iceland‘s most famous DJ‘s and singer Páll Óskar Hjálmtýsson

Price for the closing ceremony including Dinner Buffet is €20.- and must be preordered by mail to the RIG official of each event.


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